Fifty years... Six hundred months... Eighteen thousand two hundred and fifty days... Four hundred thirty-eight thousand hours... In terms of accumulated time, they're all the same. That's the amount of time the Hammon Class of 1959 has lived since graduation from high school until we gathered to celebrate our 50th high school reunion. That's the amount of time water has flowed under the bridges along Whiteshield Creek which passes through the west edge of Hammon. That's a lot of years and a lot of water under the bridges. Time changes things. Time changes people. Or does it?...
Time has changed a lot of things in the lives the Hammon of Class of '59. With the passing of time, our classmates have scattered literally from the east coast to west coast of the United states. We have begotten children and sent them out into the world. Our children have given us grandchildren. In some cases, our grandchildren have given us great-grandchildren. Most of us have completed our working carers and are now living in retirement. I'm not a psychologist, but from a personal observation, I observed that time doesn't change personality traits. At least not from my psychologically untrained personal observations.
I thoroughly enjoyed attending the our class reunion. It was a joy to see and visit with high school classmates over the past Memorial Day weekend. Time may have changed our personal appearances somewhat, but not our personality traits. I can't judge my own personality too well, but I believe all of my classmates have retained the same basic personality traits they had on the day we graduated. As I visited with classmates, I reflected back and saw that each was amazingly like he/she was in 1959. After fifty years, time has changed a number of things about each of us. But our personalities remain the same. And that's a good thing.
There were a number of cameras at our reunion. A lot of photographs were taken. In a few days, Bud and I will begin posting some of photographs of the reunion. I am inviting classmates who had cameras to send some of the best shots to me or Bud. We what to share these golden graduation anniversary shots with our classmates and high school friends.
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