We're not giving up on the blog...just making a slight adjustment. As those who read the blog from time to time have probably noted, the response has not been exactly overwhelming. That's okay. We're gonna keep trying. But time is passing quickly, and I want to ensure that as many classmates as possible know about our plans to have a 50th reunion at the Elk City Holidome on Saturday, May 23, 2009...the same date as the Hammon Alumni Banquet. You'll be hearing from me shortly (if I have your correct address). If you've moved since the last class reunion...way back in 2004...please update your address by calling or emailing or blogging or personally dropping it by my house here in Spring. Or you can tattle on someone else who has moved by providing us with his/her address. No junk mail, I promise.
We will meet in a banquet room at the Holidome, and if it gets crowded, we'll overflow (see, I'm still optimistic) into the domed area of the motel. I look forward to hearing from you. Expect a letter from me during February. See you in May!
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